Single Home
Multifamily Housing
Solar Garden & Utility Scale Solar

The combination of solar panels and battery storage can provide some significant benefits. Creating a solar battery backup system where the solar PV system charges a solar energy battery delivers quick reaction to power outages. Home solar battery storage can enable living off-the-grid more effectively. Commercial solar battery storage can be used to supply incremental electricity when peak demand would otherwise incur an expensive demand charge from the electric utility. The use of solar power with battery storage offers a “green” alternative to gas and diesel generators. Battery storage for solar is becoming more practical as battery technology advances and costs decline. We offer Battery Storage installation throughout Minnesota, including Rochester, St Cloud, Duluth, Moorehead, Brainerd, Twin Cities suburbs from Monticello, Plymouth, Roseville, Richfield, Edina, Hastings, Chanhassen, Minneapolis, St Paul, Owattona, Faribault.