Single Home
Multifamily Housing

Adding a single EV-Charger in a parking garage might not impact the building power profile, but what if there are a dozen or more chargers all pulling power at the same time? Another consideration is the cost of adding the charging unit to the building power grid. Will new conduit need to be run? For surface lots, will trenching be needed? Will a new or enhanced electrical service be required? Will metering be used to monitor, control and/or bill for electric power usage? All of these questions impact the final decision for your EV-Charge plan. Commercial EV Charging can be located in auto dealerships, entertainment districts, shopping malls and strip centers, hospitals and medical offices, private parking lots and garages, class A office buildings, colleges and universities, hotels and motels, and other places where people may want to charge their EV. In some cases, a fast charging station is needed due to the duration of the visit. In other cases, a Level 2 charger is sufficient. EV charger installation in a commercial setting can often be complex and requires the experience provided by Apadana.