Single Home
Multifamily Housing
Solar Garden & Utility Scale Solar

This 1.3 MW solar installation is directly connected to the Xcel Energy grid. Power is generated via 4,030 325 watt Yingli monocrystalline 72 cell solar modules. Each module is attached to a helical (pile) post mounted rack at 30° for optimum angular efficiency in Minnesota, space considerations, and snow shedding. Modules are integrated with 60kW Chint Power System inverters and an also Energy data acquisition system.
Apadana is a leading Minnesota commercial solar company. Unlike many others, we go beyond simple commercial solar panel installation. We offer complete commercial solar solutions that include system design, engineering, material procurement, installation, and financing assistance.
Because we are based in the upper Midwest, our designers and engineers understand the uniqueness of solar power in this area. Our solar panels for business are among the highest quality. Our commercial solar panel costs are very competitive. Utility rules restrict all solar gardens to be installed only in Xcel Energy, Otter Tail Power and Minnesota Power territories. Co-Op and Municipal power distributors will not allow solar gardens.”